PC has caught a new virus (represented as a cold) and warns Mac to stay away from him, citing the "114,000 known viruses for PCs." Mac states that the viruses that affect PCs don't affect him, and PC announces that he's going to 'crash'...
The most famous Super Bowl ad
"1984" is an American television commercial which introduced the Apple Macintosh personal computer for the first time. It was conceived by Steve Hayden, Brent Thomas and Lee Clow at Chiat/Day, Venice, produced by New York production company Fairbanks Films,...
Aaron Adams
Alex Schoknecht
Bill Swan
Damon Wright
David Carey
De la Soul
DJ Q-Bert
Ellen Feiss
Gautam Godse
Gianni Jacklone
Janie Porche
Jentry Poss
Juan Proano
Kelly Slater
Mark Frauenfelder
Mark Gibson
Richard Ziskin
Sarah Whistler
Theresa McPherson
Tony Hawks
Santa - Lawyers
Santa - iPod
Hiroatsu Takekura
Keiko Tamura
Kiminori Hirose
Momoko Kikushi
Satoru Yokouchi