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Tag: Apple

The History of the Apple Macintosh

The Apple Macintosh revolutionized the entire computer industry by the year of 1984. Steve Jobs and his ingenious Macintosh team arranged for the computer to be used by the normal “person in the street” – and not only by experts. “Insanely great” – Steve Jobs could hardly put into words his enthusiasm by the launch of the Macintosh. On the legendary annual general meeting of January 24th, 1984, in the Flint Center not far from the Apple Campus in Cupertino, the Apple co-founder initially quoted Bob Dylan’s “The Times They Are A-Changin’” in order to then polemicize against an imminent predominance of the young computer industry by IBM.

Microsoft’s Relationship with Apple

Archrival and Knight in Shining Armor Microsoft and Apple have been business partners and tough competitors for many years. Back in the seventies, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates worked close together. In 1997 the Windows-manufacturer helped Steve Jobs saving Apple.

Turning around like Apple

By Sören Stamer

Turnarounds from the brink of death or irrelevance are in high demand these days. Former star companies like AOL, MySpace, Yahoo!, Nokia, and RIM are in deep trouble or slowly faded away. Apple was in 1997 almost bankrupt. But then they came back with a vengeance. How did Steve Jobs do it? Can it be done again?

Dieter Rams talks about design at Apple

Dieter Rams talks about being bum-rushed at a party by Philippe Starck, who exclaimed, "Apple is stealing from you!" But when it comes to Ive and Apple, Rams subscribes to the adage "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." via Our Interview With Dieter Rams,...

Ron Wayne: "Why I Left Apple Computer After Only 12 Days"

Ron Wayne, Apple, Inc.'s sometimes forgotten third co-founder, has posted a short essay entitled "Why I Left Apple Computer After Only 12 Days, In My Own Words". The piece notes that though he sold his share of Apple for pennies on the dollar, he...

Foxconn: An Exclusive Inside Look

What is it like inside a factory that makes Apple iPads? Tonight, an ABC Nightline special called “iFactory” gave us the first peak at actual factory working conditions and the people living on the assembly line. Bill Weir, a reporter for ABC, traveled to Foxconn,...