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Apple remembers Steve Jobs on anniversary of his passing

Apple's CEO Tim Cook remembered the company’s late cofounder, Steve Jobs on the one-year anniversary of Jobs’ passing. The letter with a video montage appeared on Apple's website to remember his life and death. The nearly two-minute video presents a slideshow of Jobs throughout...

Apple vs. Samsung: "Slightly different"

Conan aired a video short satirizing Samsung's gimlet-eyed Apple affinity, with a faux CEO dressed much like Apple's black-tee-and-jeans crew, and line of home appliances named and modeled after certain of Apple's best sellers.

PBS: Steve Jobs: One Last Thing

Few men have changed our everyday world of work, leisure, and human communication in the way that Apple founder, Steve Jobs, has done. This PBS documentary looks not only at how his talent, his style and his imagination have shaped all of our lives, but also at the influences that shaped and moulded the man himself. Since his untimely death, tributes from around the world have secured Steve's place in the pantheon of great Americans.

Apple's 1984 spoof of 'Ghostbusters' goes after IBM

This is a 4-minute, uncut version of "Blue Busters", a 1984 takeoff on 'Ghostbusters' that Apple produced to show at the opening of its worldwide sales staff meeting in Hawaii in October 1984. The video includes a cameo appearance by Steve Wozniak.

Dieter Rams talks about design at Apple

Dieter Rams talks about being bum-rushed at a party by Philippe Starck, who exclaimed, "Apple is stealing from you!" But when it comes to Ive and Apple, Rams subscribes to the adage "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." via Our Interview With Dieter Rams,...

Steve Jobs acts as Franklin D. Roosevelt – Bizarre internal Apple promo (1984)

Apple's marketing history may seem like a continual streak of genius advertising, but even the mighty gadget company has suffered a few stumbles. Take this rarely seen sequel to Apple's epic "1984" ad spot that features Steve Jobs showing off his acting chops as Franklin Roosevelt in 1944. The full clip, clocking in at a lengthy 9 minutes, was created for a sales associates meeting held in Hawaii in 1984. Jobs' role as FDR leading the charge against enemy forces was meant as a rallying call to defeat IBM's dominance.