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Apple Campaign "Get a Mac"


PC has caught a new virus (represented as a cold) and warns Mac to stay away from him, citing the “114,000 known viruses for PCs.” Mac states that the viruses that affect PCs don’t affect him, and PC announces that he’s going to ‘crash’ before collapsing onto the floor in a faint.

Work vs. Home
Mac describes how he enjoys doing ‘fun stuff’ such as podcasts and movies, leading PC to claim that he also does “fun stuff” such as timesheets, spreadsheets and pie charts. After Mac responds that it is difficult to capture a family vacation using a pie chart, PC rebuts by showing a pie chart representing “hangout time” and “just kicking it” with different shades of gray.

Right after PC introduces himself, the Mac character replies, “And I’m a PC too”. Mac explains to the confused PC that he can run both Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, calling himself “the only computer you’ll ever need.” PC mutters, “Oh…touché.” The Mac character, referring to the rules of fencing, explains that one only says “touché” after he or she makes a point and someone else makes a counterpoint, but the PC character continues to misuse the word. A similar conversation occurred in Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, a film which Justin Long (Mac) appeared in.

Out of the Box
Mac (in a white box) and PC (in a brown box doing some exercises) are in boxes discussing what they will do when they are unpacked. Whereas Mac says that he can get started right away, PC is held up by the numerous activities he must complete before being useful. Mac eventually leaves to get right to work, whereas PC is forced to wait for parts that are still in other boxes.

Trust Mac
PC, in an attempt to hide from spyware, is wearing a trench coat with dark glasses and a false mustache. PC offers Mac a disguise, but Mac declines, saying he doesn’t have to worry about the normal PC spyware and viruses with Mac OS X.

Mac gives PC an iPhoto book to view. Suddenly, angel and devil versions of PC appear behind him. The angel encourages PC to compliment Mac, while the devil prods PC to destroy the book. In the end, PC says the book is good, and then turns around, feeling the air where the angel and devil versions of PC were.

A wheelchair-bound PC, who is wearing casts on his arms, explains that he fell off his desk when someone tripped over his power cord, thus prompting Mac to point out that the MacBook’s and MacBook Pro’s magnetic power cord prevents such an occurrence.

Better Results
PC and Mac discuss making home movies, and show each other their efforts. Supermodel Gisele Bündchen enters, representing Mac’s movie, while PC’s movie is represented by a man with a hairy chest and a blonde wig wearing a dress similar to Bündchen’s. PC states that there’s some work in progress with his movie.

Self Pity
Mac, for once, is wearing a suit, and explains that he “does work stuff too” and has been running Microsoft Office for years. Upon hearing this, PC becomes despondent and collapses on the floor, begging to be left alone to depreciate.

PC and Mac visit a counselor to resolve their differences. However, while Mac finds it easy to compliment PC (“you are a wizard with numbers and you dress like a gentleman”), PC’s resentment is too deep for him to reciprocate (“I guess you are better at creating stuff, even though it’s completely juvenile and a waste of time.”). The counselor suggests them coming in twice a week.

Meant for Work
PC, looking haggard and covered in stickers, complains about the kids who use him and their activities, such as making movies and blogging, which are wearing him out and makes him “cry to sleep mode.” He complains that, unlike Mac, he is meant more for office work. PC then trudges off because his user wants to listen to some Emo (represented by the Anarchy sign on his back).

Sales Pitch
Although Mac introduces himself as usual, PC says “… and buy a PC.” He explains that Mac’s increasing popularity is forcing him to be more forward in his self-promotion, and is reduced to holding up red signs with various pitches on them.

Gift Exchange
Mac and PC exchange gifts for Christmas; PC, who is hoping for a C++ GUI programming guide, is disappointed to receive a photo album of previous Get a Mac ads made on iPhoto, and Mac receives from PC a C++ GUI programming guide.

Mac and PC agree to put aside their differences because of the Christmas season. Although PC momentarily slips and states that Mac “wastes his time with frivolous pursuits like home movies and blogs,” the two agree to, as Mac says, “pull it into hug harbor” and the each wish each other a good holiday.

Mac is reading a favourable review of himself by Walt Mossberg in the Wall Street Journal. Jealous, PC then claims that he also received a great review, but is caught offguard when Mac asks for specific details. This ad is currently not available online at the Apple site. But you can see it here.


PC appears in the garb of a patient awaiting surgery, and explains that he is upgrading to Windows Vista but requires “surgery” to upgrade (specifically, upgrading such items as graphics cards, processors, memory, etc). In reference to perceived difficulties in upgrading, PC admits that he is worried about going through it and bequeaths his peripherals to Mac should he not survive. Mac ask PC if, like him, his upgrade is just straight forward.

In this advert, PC is present, but a different actor appears in Mac’s place, obviously reciting poorly memorized lines to flatter PC. The real Mac arrives soon after, and while PC sheepishly denies anything is happening, ‘impostor’ Mac tells ‘real’ Mac that he’s “a big fan.”

Tech Support
A technician is present to ‘install’ a webcam to PC (using masking tape to attach it to his head). PC is extremely pleased by his new upgrade, but on hearing from the technician that Mac has a built-in webcam, he storms off without waiting for the camera to be fully ‘installed’.

In a reference to criticisms of Windows Vista’s security features, PC is a joined by a tall United States Secret Service-style bodyguard representing Vista’s new security feature, who intrusively demands that he “cancel or allow” every incoming or outgoing interaction he has with Mac.

Computer Cart
PC and 3 other men in suits are on a computer cart. When Mac asks why, PC says that he gets an error with a Windows Media Player Dynamic-link library file (WMP.DLL), and that the others suffer from similar errors (The man in the beige suit represents error 692, the man in the grey suit represents a Syntax error, and the man in the bottom of the cart represents Fatal error in which PC whispers along with “he’s a goner” after the commercial). Mac explains that Macs don’t get cryptic error messages.

Mac asks PC if he would like to see a website and home movie that he made. This prompts PC to flashback to a time when both he and Mac were children; when the younger Mac asks the younger PC if he would like to see some artwork he did, the younger PC takes out a calculator and calculates “the time we’ve just wasted.” (This may be a reference to the time when PC’s were text-based, while Macs were slower but had GUI’s) Returning from the flashback, PC does the same thing.

PC enters slowly, with a ballooned torso, explaining that all the trial software is slowing him down. Mac replies that Macs only come with the software “you want” (namely, the iLife package). As PC finally gets on his mark, Mac begins his intro again, but PC realizes that he’s forgotten something and begins to slowly leave.

Party is Over
PC unhappily throws a party celebrating the release of Windows Vista. He complains to Mac that he had to upgrade his hardware, and now can’t use some of his old software and peripherals. He then talks with one of the party members about throwing another in 5 years, which turns into 5 years and a day, and so on.

Mac introduces PC to one of the Apple Geniuses from the Apple Retail Store’s Genius Bar. PC tests the Genius, starting with math questions and culminating in asking her, on a scale of one to ten, how much does he loathe Mac, to which she answers eleven which is correct, and PC says “She’s good. Very good.”

Choose a Vista
Confused about which of the six versions of Windows Vista to get, PC spins a big game wheel. PC spins “Lose a Turn” and Mac questions why PC put that space on the wheel.

PC is introduced as if he were in a Boxing match, stating that he’s not going down without a fight. Mac says back that it’s not a competition, but rather people switching to a computer that’s simpler and more intuitive. The ring announcer admits his brother-in-law got a Mac and loves it.

PC, in the style of a political candidate, is standing at a podium making declarations about Windows Vista, urging those who are having compatibility problems with existing hardware to simply replace them and to ignore the new features of Mac OS X Leopard – however, he privately admits to Mac that he himself has downgraded to Windows XP three weeks ago. His key slogan is “It’s not about what Vista can do for you, it’s what you can buy for Vista.”

PR Lady
Mac and PC are joined by a public relations representative (played by Mary Chris Wall), who has been hired by PC to place a positive spin on the reaction to Windows Vista and claims that many people are even downgrading back to Windows XP, but her response to claims that more people are switching to Mac instead is a sheepish “No comment.”

PC is on the phone with PCWorld attempting to report a misprint. He explains how they said, “The fastest Windows Vista notebook we tested this year is a Mac.” PC goes on to argue how impossible it is for a Mac to run Vista faster than a PC while Mac tries to explain that it is true. While arguing with PCWorld over the phone, PC says he’ll put Mac on the line to set things straight. However, he instead lowers his voice and talks ‘cool’ in an attempt to impersonate Mac saying that PCs are faster.

Now What
PC begins by showing off his new, long book, I Want to Buy a Computer — Now What?, to help customers deal with all the difficult computer-buying decisions, with no one out there to help. Mac then replies that buying a computer is in fact “really easy,” explaining that at Apple Stores there are “personal shoppers” to help you find the perfect Mac. Mac goes on to say that there are even workshops there to teach people about using the computers. Upon hearing this, PC says that he also thought of this and brings out the companion volume, I Just Bought a Computer — Now What?.

Santa Claus
An animated Get a Mac commercial featuring Santa Claus and Christmas caroling by both PC and Mac. PC spoils the song by inserting “Buy a PC and not a Mac this holiday season or any other time for goodness sake”. The animation style is similar to the Rankin/Bass television specials Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town.

A referee is present, according to PC, to make sure that Mac doesn’t go on saying that Leopard is better and faster than Vista. When Mac defends himself saying that it was The Wall Street Journal who compared the two, PC complains, and the referee sides with Mac. Upon insulting the referee, PC gets ejected, but PC rebuts, saying that he has nowhere to go (in the ad’s area).


Time Machine
In the typical introduction of Mac and PC, instead of there being one Mac, there is a line of 10. PC is shocked, so the various Macs explain that it is simply “Time Machine,” a feature in Leopard which makes regular backups of the hard drive. PC is forced to admit that such a feature is “pretty awesome,” followed by thanks from the various Macs.

Mac and PC’s therapist (see “Counselor” below) suggest that PC’s problems are simply a result of software and hardware coming from various places, whereas Mac gets all his hardware and software from one place. “It’s not my fault!” PC keeps repeating with support of Mac and the therapist. Then PC concludes, “It’s Mac’s fault, it’s Mac’s fault,” with Mac and the therapist disappointed in PCs conclusion. PC ends with the comment: “What a Breakthrough!”.

Tech Support
A technician is present to ‘install’ a webcam to PC (using masking tape to attach it to his head). PC is extremely pleased by his new upgrade, but on hearing from the technician that Mac has a built-in webcam, he storms off without waiting for the camera to be fully ‘installed’.

Mac is watching PC have a yoga session where the yoga instructor (Judy Greer) is coaching PC in “expelling bad Vista energy” and forgetting Vista’s problems, but when the yoga instructor goes on to complain that Vista screwed up the yoga billing, PC considers switching to pilates.

Office Stress
Mac’s new Microsoft Office 2008 program has just come out. In the box that PC gives him, is a stress toy for Mac to use when he gets stressed from doing lots more work, which PC begins using as he complains that Microsoft Office is too compatible with Mac and that he wants to switch his files over and he is getting less work then Mac, eventually breaking the toy.

PC is at a help group for “PCs living with Vista”. The other PC’s there tell him to take it one day at a time and that he is facing the biggest fact of all, that Vista isn’t working as it should. They all wish the Vista problems will go away sooner and a lot easier. One of them says pleasingly that he has been error-free for a week and starts to repeat himself uncontrollably and the others get disappointed.

Pep Rally
PC is introduced by a cheerleading squad. When asked to explain, PC explains that Mac’s number 1 status on college campuses with his built in iSight camera, his Stable operating system, and being able to run Microsoft Office so well, so he is trying to win students back with a pep rally. The cheerleaders cheer, “Mac’s Number One!,” and upon PC’s complaint, they cheer, “PC’s Number Two!”

Sad Song
PC sings a short country-blues style song because Vista has gotten him feeling down. The song is about people ‘leaving him’ for Mac and that Vista’s got issues. A hound dog then howls and Mac claims the song is touching.

Sad Song (extended Version)
PC sings a short country-blues style song because Vista has gotten him feeling down. The song is about people ‘leaving him’ for Mac and that Vista’s got issues. A hound dog then howls and Mac claims the song is touching. This longer version ends with PC asking Mac if the dog is his, which it’s not.

Calming teas
PC announces calming teas and bath soaps to make Vista’s annoyances easier to live with.

PC appears in a king’s robe and throne saying that even though switching computers can be difficult, his “subjects” won’t leave him and that he’s still king. Mac then begins talking about how PC’s subjects can just bring their PC into an Apple Store where they’ll transfer all the files over to a new Mac, at which PC declares Mac ‘banished’.

Pizza Box
PC tries to attract college students by posing as a free box of pizza. Note that this ad was aired during Apple’s 2008 back-to-school promotion.

Off the Air
Mac and PC show up with a Mac Genius who says that it is now “easier than ever” to switch to a Mac and that a Mac Genius can switch over a PCs files to a new Mac for free. PC then protests that it is fear which keeps people from switching and that people don’t need to hear about the Mac Genius, pulling a cover over the camera and declaring them to be “off the air”.

Bean Counter
PC is “doing a little budgeting”. He admits that Vista’s problems are frustrating PC users and that it’s time to take “drastic action”: spending almost all of the money on advertising. When Mac asks PC why he thinks the small amount of money left will fix Vista, PC reallocates it to advertising.

V Word
PC declares that “we’re going to stop referring to my operating system ([Vista]) by name”. He says using the word “doesn’t sit well with frustrated PC users. From now on, we’re going to use a word with a lot less baggage: Windows”. He is holding a black box with a large red button that sounds a buzzer when pressed. PC presses the button whenever Mac says “Vista”. After pointing out that not using the word isn’t the same as fixing the operating system’s problems, Mac ends the ad by saying “Vista” several times in rapid succession, thwarting PC’s attempts to sound the buzzer.

Bake Sale
PC is seen having a bake sale. When Mac questions PC regarding the occasion, PC replies that he is trying to raise money by himself in order to fix Vista’s problems. Mac decides to contribute by buying a cupcake and as soon as he takes a bite, PC wants Mac to pay ten million dollars for it.


Tree Trimming
– A holiday animated Get a Mac commercial. Mac and PC set aside their disagreements and decide to trim a Christmas tree by hanging ornaments and stringing lights. Mac tells PC that they are good friends while PC gets nervous. When they are finished, PC does not want to light the lights on the tree. Mac persuades him to do so. PC plugs the trees lights in and they light up and say: “PC RULES”. He apologies to Mac and says that it just sort of happened. The animation is like the Get a Mac Santa Claus ad in Rankin/Bass clay animation style.

I Can Do Anything
– A holiday animated Get a Mac commercial. PC asks Mac why he loves the holidays so much. Mac says it is the season for Peace on Earth. PC says that they get to be animated and they can do anything. PC demonstrates by floating in the air, building a snowman in fast motion, and talking to animals. PC asks a bunny hopping by where he is going. The bunny replies by saying he’s going to the Apple Store for some last minute gifts. PC then purposely tips the snowman’s head off making it fall on the bunny and apologies. The animation is like the Get a Mac Santa Claus ad in Rankin/Bass clay animation style.
Time Traveler—PC uses a time machine to travel to the year 2150 to see if any major issues (such as freezing and crashing) have been removed from the PC and to see if PCs are as hassle-free as Macs. Promptly after PC arrives at 2150, future PC literally freezes, which answers the question.
Stacks—PC is searching through all of his pictures, trying to find a photograph of his friend. He searches one picture at a time, but Mac states that iPhoto has a feature called Faces, in which you tag the face of a person and iPhoto finds other pictures of the same person, putting them all into the same folder and saving search time. PC responds to the facial-recognition technology as expensive and tells Mac to sort the pictures instead because he has the technology to make it easier.
Legal Copy—Every time PC says something positive about himself, the legal copy that appears on the screen increases. He finally states that PCs are now 100% trouble-free, and the legal copy covers the whole screen.
Biohazard Suit—PC first appears wearing a biohazard suit to protect himself from PC viruses and malware, of which PC says there are 20,000 discovered every day. Mac asks PC if he is going to live in the suit for the rest of his life, and PC cannot hear him because he is too protected by his virus-proof mask, and takes it off. PC then shrieks and struggles to place it on again.
Elimination—PC attempts to find Megan, a new laptop hunter, the perfect PC. Unfortunately, no PCs are ‘immune’ to viruses, which is Megan’s #1 concern, so PC leaves her with Mac.
PC Choice Chat—PC has his own radio talk show called PC Choice Chat, and people begin to call in asking for advice on which computer to get. All the callers ask for advice on a computer that would qualify as a Mac but not a PC, as one caller asks for a computer that is for people who hate getting viruses. One other caller asks for PC help like Mac genius, and another wants to switch to Mac. PC ignores these calls.
Customer Care—Mac is seen again with an Apple Genius, a real-life person who can help you with your Mac problems. PC then has a short montage of endless automated customer-support messages, never reaching a real person, which is not to PC’s liking, and he then says that his source of help is ‘the same’ as Mac Genius.
Surprise—Mac appears alongside a customer (Andree Vermeulen), with PC notably absent. The customer says she’s looking to buy a great computer. Mac tries to convince her that she should get a PC, telling her that they’re much better and more stable. The customer seems skeptical, tells Mac she’ll “think about it”, and leaves. A frustrated Mac pulls off a mask and his clothes, revealing himself to be PC in disguise. The real Mac then appears, sees PC’s discarded mask and clothes, and says “I don’t even wanna ask.”
Top of the Line—PC and Mac appear with a customer who’s looking for a new computer. PC introduces her to the “top of the line” PC (Patrick Warburton), a handsome and overly slick PC in a suit. She asks him about screen size and speed, to which Top of the Line says he’s the best, but he then balks when she says she doesn’t want to deal with any viruses or hassle. She decides to go with Mac, so Top of the Line hands her his business card and tells her to give him a call “when she’s ready to compromise.”
Trainer—The commercial starts off traditionally, but PC is doing sit-ups with a trainer in a striped shirt (Robert Loggia), saying fierce things to make PC improved. PC suggests the trainer try some ‘positive reinforcement’, and is a little angry and shocked when the trainer compliments Mac instead.
PC Innovations Lab—PC, who has wrapped another PC in Bubble Wrap, is saying that the Bubble Wrap is actually a security shield. Mac tries to speak, but PC cuts him off, showing another PC who apparently has cupholders on his shoulders. The cupholders are full of foam coffee cups, and PC takes a full coffee cup, pretending to toast the cup and saying, “Cheers to innovation”.
Broken Promises—PC tells Mac how excited he is about the launch of Windows 7 and assures him it won’t have the same problems as Vista. However, Mac feels like he heard this before, and has a series of flashbacks about PC assuring Mac about Windows Vista, XP, Me, 98, 95, and 2.0. On the last flashback, he says “Trust me.” Back in the present, he says this time it’s going to be different, then says “Trust me.” in an almost identical way to the flashback.
Teeter Tottering—A woman who had a PC has a box of things that were in her PC and says she’s switching to Mac, but PC tries to convince her to stay while she just goes over to Mac every time.
PC News—PC is sitting at a news desk and turns it over to a correspondent at what seems to be a launch party for Windows 7 until a person being interviewed reveals that he is switching to a Mac. PC is surprised by this and asks why, and more people speak of how Mac is #1 with customer satisfaction and PC finally says to cut the feed. This is one of two commercials where Mac and PC acknowledge that they are in a commercial. PC: “Let’s go to a commercial.” Mac: “We are a commercial”. PC: “Let’s go to another commercial”.
Source (Text):
“Get a Mac.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 11 Sep 2008, 22:32 UTC. 14 Sep 2008 <>.
This article is published under the GNU General Public License


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